Methyl 3-methyl-2-butenoate [ 924-50-5 ]

Cas Number: 924-50-5
Product Code
Product Name
Methyl 3-methyl-2-butenoate
Cas Number
colorless transparent liquid
Melting Point
32.1 ( ℃ )
Boiling Point
32.1 ( ℃ )

Purity: 99 percent, it is colorless liquid, b.p. 70 ~ 75 ℃ / 8 kpa, n20D 1.4364, relative density 0.873, f.p. 99 ℉ (37 ℃), insoluble in water, soluble in chloroform, such as carbon tetrachloride organic solvents. Isoamyl ene acid methyl ester is prepared Martel legal system of the important intermediates chrysanthemum acid.