Trifluoropropene [ 677-21-4 ]

Cas Number: 677-21-4
Product Code
Product Name
Cas Number
Boiling Point
-18 ( ℃ )

Molecular weight: 96

Property constant

B.p.-22 ℃


Colorless gas


: 99.8%


More than 100 PPM

Acid value

More than 2 PPM

High boiling point things

< 0.02%

Evaporation residue

< 0.01%


700 kg / 800 L cylinders

Transportation information

The United Nations Numbers: 1954

Dangerous level: 2.1

Operation disposal and storage

Store in a cool, ventilated warehouse in. Away from the fire, heat source. Warehouse in temperature should not be more than 52 ℃. Prevent direct sunlight. Keep container seals. Should be stored apart with antioxidants. Stored in between lighting, ventilation equipment should use explosion-proof type, switch in the warehouse. Pot store when fire blast technical measures. To ban the use of sparks easy generation equipment and tools. Handling want light light discharge, prevent packaging and container damage.


This product can be used for synthesis of fluorine silicone rubber, fluorine silicone oil and other containing fluorine function polymer materials. Still can substitute for aerosol, refrigerant freon.