Ethylamine [ 75-04-7 ]

Cas Number: 75-04-7
Product Code
Product Name
Cas Number
Refractive index

Melting point - 81 ° C (lit.)

17 ° C boiling point

Density 0.81 g/mL ° C at 20

Steam density 1.56 ° C (15) vs air,

Steam pressure 874 mm (20 ° C) employed by Hg

FEMA 4236
Refractive index n20 / D 1.384

Flashpoint 48 ° F

Storage conditions 2-8 ° C

Water solubility miscible
Merck 14,3762
BRN 505933
Highly flammable. J j stability Stable oxidizing agents, alkali Incompatible with alkaline earth metals, metals, organic acids, and had many reactive Reacts with or inorganic j disssolves types of paint, will the plastic and rubber.