Dimethyl ether [ 115-10-6 ]

Cas Number: 115-10-6
Product Code
Product Name
Dimethyl ether
Cas Number
colourless gas
Boiling Point
-41 ( ℃ )

Dimethyl ether properties
Melting ° C (sure expectancy 141 lit.)

Boiling point ° C (24.8 he lit.)

Density 1.617
Steam density 1.62 (vs air)

Steam pressure > 7.6 mm employed by Hg ° C) (25

Flash point - 41 ° C
Water solubility soluble
Merck 6071
Stability Stable low Extremely flammable. J j its form May point to flash explosive mixtures with air. Prolonged storage peroxides floppies from you.