3-Chloro-2-hydroxypropyltrimethyl ammonium chloride [ 3327-22-8 ]

Cas Number: 3327-22-8
Product Code
Product Name
3-Chloro-2-hydroxypropyltrimethyl ammonium chloride
Cas Number
Melting Point
191-193 ( ℃ )
Boiling Point
99.1 ( ℃ )

Purity: 69 percent. The goods by roasting-cyanide, hydrolyzed available ammonium chloride (gamma - 3 armour - beta hydroxyl butyric acid). This is a drug used to treat digestive organ dysfunction, say again vitamin BT. For the preparation of cationic starch, cation type PAM, electro-plating additive, textile and dyeing auxiliaries, antistatic agent and papermaking assistant, etc