L-Aspartic acid [ 56-84-8 ]

Cas Number: 56-84-8
Product Code
Product Name
L-Aspartic acid
Cas Number
Boiling Point
230 ( ℃ )

Degree: 98 + %, show white crystalline or crystalloid powder, taste slightly acidic. Soluble in water, soluble in water ℃ 25 when (0.5%), soluble in dilute acids and sodium hydroxide solution, not soluble in ethanol, ethyl ether, heated to 270 ℃ decomposition, isoelectric 2.77, its than curl and dissolve the solvent relevant. In acid solution for dextral, alkali solution for levorotatory, in aqueous solution for improvement. [alpha] these 25D + 0.5-2.0 (C = g/ml, H2O). Can make ammonia antidote, liver function acclerant, fatigue restoration agent pharmaceuticals, we can produce n-acetylcysteine aspartic acid sodium food additive and various cool beverage of additive, still can make biochemical reagents, culture medium and synthetic organic intermediates.